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Anti-Money Laundering / International Cooperation unit

In January 2020, the Office of the Attorney General took a significant stride in fortifying its commitment to combat financial crimes by establishing the dedicated Anti-Money Laundering and International Cooperation Unit (AML/IC Unit). This specialized unit plays a pivotal role in addressing various aspects of financial misconduct, ensuring robust prosecution, and fostering international cooperation.

Key Functions:

  • Prosecution of Financial Crimes: The AML/IC Unit shoulders the responsibility of prosecuting a spectrum of financial crimes, including Money Laundering and corruption-related offences. This involves thorough legal proceedings to bring offenders to justice.
  • Civil Confiscation of Proceeds of Crime: Beyond criminal prosecution, the Unit actively engages in the civil confiscation of proceeds derived from criminal activities. This approach serves as a deterrent and contributes to the restitution of unlawfully gained assets.
  • Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters: Recognizing the transnational nature of financial crimes, the AML/IC Unit manages the intricate process of seeking and providing mutual legal assistance in criminal matters with foreign states. This involves navigating legal frameworks and fostering cooperation on a global scale.
  • Advisory Role: The Unit extends its expertise to offer advice on matters pertaining to Anti-Money Laundering and civil confiscation of proceeds of crime. This includes guidance on legal nuances, compliance, and strategic approaches to combat financial wrongdoing.
  • Management of International Agreements: With a focus on international cooperation, the AML/IC Unit oversees international agreements, conventions, and related matters. This involves negotiating, implementing, and ensuring compliance with treaties aimed at strengthening the global fight against financial crimes.
  • The Office of the Attorney General is unwavering in its commitment to the continuous improvement of the AML/IC Unit. Acknowledging the dynamic nature of financial crimes, the office invests in ongoing training initiatives. These programs, conducted both in-house and in collaboration with local and overseas partners, empower prosecutors within the Unit. The goal is not only to uphold the highest standards in case prosecution but also to facilitate the seamless exchange of knowledge and expertise within the organization.
  • The establishment of the AML/IC Unit stands as a testament to the Office of the Attorney General’s proactive stance in addressing the complex challenges posed by financial crimes. Through multifaceted functions and a dedication to ongoing refinement, this Unit plays a crucial role in safeguarding financial integrity and promoting international cooperation in the pursuit of justice.