Following their participation in the 47th ESAAMLG Task Force of Senior Officials Meeting, the Attorney General of Seychelles and Angola convened to discuss the implementation of a recently signed MOU on mutual legal assistance.

The meeting aimed to operationalise the MOU and explore avenues to strengthen international cooperation between the two counterparts.

Present was the designated officers responsible for international cooperation on each side, namely Mrs. Nissa Thompson representing the Seychelles Attorney General’s Office and Mr. André De Brito Domingos representing the Angola Attorney General’s Office.They will serve as focal points for the implementation of the MOU.

Strategic Plan 2024-2029

Seychelles Attorney General’s Office Launches Strategic Plan 2024-2029, New Website, and Logo

The Seychelles Attorney General’s Office proudly announced the launch of its Strategic Plan for 2024-2029 on March 28, 2024, marking a significant advancement in its commitment to legal excellence and public service. This milestone event, held at the Attorney General’s Office, also featured the unveiling of a newly revamped website and the office’s inaugural logo, underscoring a transformative era for the department.

Strategic Plan 2024-2029: A Visionary Roadmap

Developed under the visionary leadership of Mr. Frank Ally, the Attorney General, the new Strategic Plan was meticulously developed to guide the office towards becoming a center of excellence in legal services provision to the government.

“The new strategic plan will serve as our compass for transforming our office into an efficient, effective, and transparent institution that embodies the principles of public service,” the Attorney General emphasised.

With a focus on innovation, collaboration, and community engagement, the strategic objectives encompass a wide array of initiatives aimed at making the Attorney General’s Office into a high-performing organization that prioritizes well-being, develops and implements stronger policies, procedures and guidelines, enhances capacity building – to provide top-notch legal services to both the government and the public.

A copy of the plan on a pen-drive was presented to President Wavel Ramkalawan by the Attorney General, Frank Ally, at the launch ceremony.

A Revitalized Online Presence

In alignment with these strategic goals, the Attorney General’s Office revealed its revamped website, designed to serve as a central hub for enhanced accessibility and communication with stakeholders. The new website boasts a sleek, user-friendly interface and provides a plethora of resources, including legal publications, information, and updates on our latest activities or initiatives, making it an essential tool for anyone looking to stay connected with the office’s activities.

Introducing a New Symbol of Identity : Our First Logo

The launch event also marked the debut of the office’s first-ever logo, a symbol that reflects its identity, core values and dedication to upholding the rule of law. This logo represents the office’s mission to foster the development of a fair and just legal system for the Republic and the people of Seychelles, embodying the spirit of integrity and professionalism.

The Attorney General expressed immense pride and gratitude towards the staff and collaborators whose tireless efforts made these achievements possible.

With these new tools and a clear strategic direction, the Seychelles Attorney General’s Office is poised to enhance its service delivery and impact, ensuring transparency and excellence in its operations as it moves forward.

Shireen Denys

The Attorney General’s Office extends heartfelt congratulations to Ms Shireen Denys

The Attorney General’s Office extends heartfelt congratulations to Ms. Shireen Denys on her remarkable achievement of being called to the Bar of Seychelles as an Attorney at Law. With this significant milestone, Ms. Denys assumes the role of State Counsel after successfully completing two years of pupillage in the Attorney General’s Office.

This memorable occasion was marked by a ceremony before his Lordship Chief Justice, Justice Dodin and Justice Esparon. The Court Room was packed with colleagues, loved ones, family and the Honorable Attorney General himself.

Throughout her journey, Ms. Denys has exhibited commendable professionalism and a deep sense of duty in representing the Republic of Seychelles. Her passion for the law, coupled with her tireless efforts, has undoubtedly contributed to her well-deserved recognition as an Attorney at Law and State Counsel.

As she embarks on this new chapter in her career, we have no doubt that Ms. Denys will continue to uphold the highest standards of integrity and excellence.

Please join us in congratulating Ms. Denys on this momentous occasion and wishing her continued success as she continues her career in the Attorney General’s Chambers.

Prosecutors Take Oaths

Prosecutors Take Their Oaths

Prosecutors from the Attorney General’s office took their oaths before the Chief Justice Rony Govinden on Tuesday 26 April 2022, putting them on par with other officers in the AG’s office such as State Counsels and others.

While this was not in practice before, an amendment has been made so that Prosecutors can also commit to their work, pledge to the Constitution, and be held more accountable to their work through a short swearing in ceremony. It however does not mark any change to their duties.

In attendance at the ceremony was also Attorney General Mr. Frank Ally, and other representatives of the AGs Office.

Speaking to the Prosecutors after the swearing in, Chief Justice Govinden noted that now more than ever, people expect a high level of service from those working in the legal profession.

“People know their rights more now, and will therefore be more expectant of the service they receive and the outcomes of their cases,” Chief Justice Govinden told attendees inside courtroom 1. “It places more on you to perform well. You have a duty towards your clients, and towards the Constitution.”


The Prosecutors who have been sworn in are as follows:

Nissa Thompson

Nissa Thompson

Nissa Thompson was called to the Bar before Chief Justice Rony Govinden and Judge David Esparon on Tuesday 25 January 2022 in court room 1.

Mrs. Thompson started her pupillage at the Attorney General’s Office in January 2020. She is best known for her work in the Anti Money Laundering and International Cooperation Unit in assisting mutual legal assistance.

During the ceremony, Attorney General Frank Ally gave his vote of confidence, stating that she is capable and received  “completely exposure necessary to practice”, he said.

Colleagues from the AG’s office also spoke highly of Mrs. Thompson’s work ethic and passion. Mr. Stefan Knights explained how she was influential in clearing the backlog of legal mutual assistance for Foreign Affairs – something that had not been done before. He added that people within the Foreign Affairs department also commended her.

Senior lawyer John Renaud and Judge Esparon both gave their support as well, stating that she is one of those young, bright female lawyers who has a good career ahead of her.

Addressing her in court, the Chief Justice noted that Mrs. Thompson has “prosecutorial zeal”, something which he added is rare. However as a word of advice, he added, “With this in mind you must also learn to choose your battles as it can take a toll on you. One day you may choose to fight if needed, and the next day you might not. Channel your zeal.”

Official oath taking ceremony

Ria Elisa Anne Alcindor official oath-taking ceremony

On Wednesday, 31st May 2023, Ria Elisa Anne Alcindor, serving as Pupil State Counsel, and Kimberly Shamira d’Offay, holding the role of Public Prosecutor, participated in an official oath-taking ceremony. The event was conducted in the chambers of Chief Justice Rony Govinden, marking a significant milestone in their legal careers.

The ceremony was overseen by Mr. George Thatchett, the Assistant Head of Criminal Registry and Principal State Counsel, who administered the oaths. This formal induction into their respective positions underscores their commitment to serving the justice system with integrity and diligence.

Barry Galinoma

Barry Galinoma

Barry Ernest Galinoma took his oaths before the Chief Justice Rony Govinden on Monday 20 March 2023 before colleagues and the Registrar of the Supreme Court

Commemmorating 30 years

Symposium for the celebration of the 120 Years of the Supreme Court

A half day Symposium took place in honor of the 120 years of the Supreme Court on Tuesday 20 June 2023 at the Palais de Justice auditorium. The session was led by talks centering on the history of this democratic institution and it’s role in interpreting the Constitution. Presentations were made by the Honorable Chief Justice Rony Govinden, President of the Court of Appeal Justice Anthony Fernando, Honorable Leader of Government Business in the National Assembly and senior lawyer Mr. Bernard Georges, Attorney General Mr. Frank Ally, and President of the Bar Association Mr. Divino Sabino.

This year Seychelles is commemorating 30 years of the Constitution and 120 years of the Supreme Court. In order to celebrate, the Judiciary of Seychelles collaborated with other agencies to organize three separate events that target different portions of society throughout the month of June. Here is a quick summary of the events that took place:
“Think Like a Lawyer” mock trial by the Attorney General’s office and the National Council for Children.

For the second year in a row, in honour of Constitution Day celebrations coinciding with Children’s Month (Festival Zenfan) the Judiciary assisted the Attorney General’s office in hosting, “Think Like a Lawyer” – a full day mock trial meant to help students interested in law to get an immersive experience in court.

The mock trial, held on Wednesday 14 June 2023, was presided over by a real judge of the Supreme Court, Judge Gustave Dodin, and involved children from various private and state schools prosecuting and defending a bullying case.
This event is done in collaboration with the National Council for Children.
Tour of the Palais de Justice courts and building followed by a “Hot Seat” Q&A with the Chief Justice

Pupil state counsel oaths

In addition, legal officer Ramia Deera Charles also took her oaths before the Chief Justice.

Source from https://www.judiciary.sc/