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Civil Litigation and Legal Advisory

Our legal services encompass a wide range of responsibilities defined by the Seychelles Code of Civil Procedure. According to Section 29, civil claims involving the Government of Seychelles must be initiated in the name of the Attorney General. Conversely, all civil claims against the Government should be directed at the Attorney General as the Defendant. Additionally, Section 151 mandates that matters related to guardianship of minors, absentees, interdiction of persons, and cases where one party is represented by a curator are referred to the Attorney General. The relevant court may call upon the Attorney General to provide conclusions as Ministère Public in such matters.

In civil cases involving or against the Attorney General, State Counsels supervised by a Principal State Counsel, represent the Attorney General. Our legal team offers comprehensive services, including providing legal advice to government entities on various aspects such as constitutional, administrative, civil, criminal, and international law. We draft and review major agreements, memoranda of understanding, and other legal documents involving the government. Furthermore, we are proficient in negotiating international agreements on behalf of the Government.