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The Laws of Seychelles


Cap 001 Adjudication of Titles Decree

Cap 002 Administration of Estates by Consular Officers Act

Cap 003 African Development Bank and Fund Decree

Cap 004 Age of Majority Act

Cap 005 Agriculture Act

Cap 006 Airports (Regulation) Act

Cap 007 Anglican Church (Constitution of Anglican Diocese of Seychelles) Act

Cap 008 Animals (Control of Experiments) Act

Cap 009 Animals (Diseases and Imports) Act

Cap 010 Anti-Personnel Mines (Prohibition) Act

Cap 011 Auctioneers and Appraisers Act

Cap 012 Auditor-General Act

Cap 013 Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act

Cap 014 Beach Control Act

Cap 015 Bills of Exchange Act

Cap 016 Birds’ Eggs Act

Cap 017 Boiler Explosions Act

Cap 018 Breadfruit and Other Trees (Protection) Act

Cap 019 Broadcasting and Telecommunication Act

Cap 020 Business Tax Act

Cap 021 Cadastral Survey Act

Cap 022 Carriage by Air (Overseas Territories) Order

Cap 023 Carriage by Air Acts (Application of Provisions) (Overseas Territories) Order

Cap 024 Carriage of Goods by Sea Act

Cap 025 Census Act

Cap 026 Central Bank of Seychelles Act

2011 Act 013 Central Bank of Seychelles (Amendment) Act 

Cap 027 Cheshire Homes Decree

Cap 028 Children Act

Cap 029 Film Classification Board Act

Cap 030 Citizenship Act

Cap 031 Civil Aviation Act

Cap 032 Civil Aviation (Control of Obstructions) Act

Cap 033 Civil Code of Seychelles Act

Cap 034 Civil Status Act

Cap 035 Clarification of Titles to Land (Deeds of Concession) Act

Cap 036 Coast Reserves and Foreshore Leases Act

Cap 037 Coco-De-Mer (Management) Decree

Cap 038 Commercial Code Act

Cap 039 Commissions of Inquiry Act

Cap 040 Companies Act

2011 Act 014 Companies Ordinance (Amendment) Act 

Cap 041 Complaints Bureau Act

Cap 042 Constitution of the Republic of Seychelles

2011 Act 007 Constitution of the Republic of Seychelles (Sixth Amendment) Act

Cap 043 Consular Conventions Act

Cap 044 Control and Protection of Clients’ Accounts Act

Cap 045 Control of Dogs Act

Cap 046 Control of Hire Craft Act

Cap 047 Control of Rent and Tenancy Agreements Act

Cap 048 Control of Slaughtering of Cattle Act

Cap 049 Control of Supplies and Services Act

Cap 050 Co-operatives Act

Cap 051 Copyright Act

Cap 052 Courts Act

Cap 053 Court Fees (Supreme Court) and Costs Act

Cap 054 Criminal Procedure Code

Cap 055 Curatelle Act

Cap 056 Customs Tariff Act

Cap 057 Data Protection Act

Cap 058 Defence Act

Cap 059 Defence Forces (Offences) Act

Cap 060 Delineation and Classification of the Domaine Public Act

Cap 061 Derelict Motor Vehicles (Disposal) Act

Cap 062 Detention Review Tribunal Decree

Cap 063 Development Bank of Seychelles Decree

Cap 064 Development Loans Act

Cap 065 Disposal of Unclaimed Deposits Act

Cap 066 Domicile Act

Cap 067 Dumping At Sea Act (Overseas Territories) Order

Cap 068 Education Act

Cap 069 Employment Act

Cap 070 Entertainments Tax Act

Cap 071 Environment Protection Act

Cap 072 Essential Services and Property Protection Act

Cap 073 Estate Agents Act

Cap 074 Evidence Act

Cap 075 Evidence (Bankers’ Book) Act

Cap 076 Exchange Control Act

Cap 077 Explosives Act

Cap 078 Extradition Act

Cap 079 Financial Institutions Act

Cap 080 Firearms And Ammunition Act

Cap 081 Fire (Protection) Act

Cap 082 Fisheries Act

Cap 083 Food Act

Cap 084 Forest Reserves Act

Cap 085 Foreign Judgements (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act

Cap 086 French Code of Civil Procedure (Promulgation) Act

Cap 087 Geneva Conventions Act

Cap 088 The Genocide Act 1969 (Overseas Territories) Order 1970

Cap 089 Geological and Soil Surveys Act

Cap 090 Harbour Act

Cap 091 The Hijacking Act 1971 (Overseas Territories) Order 1971

Cap 092 Hospitals and Dispensaries Act

Cap 093 Immigration Decree

Cap 094 Immovable Property (Judicial Sales) Act

Cap 095 Immovable Property (Transfer Restriction) Act

Cap 096 Imprisonment for Debt Act

Cap 097 Industrial Relations Act

Cap 098 Insurance Act

Cap 099 Interactive Gambling Act

Cap 100 Interest Act

Cap 101 International Financial Organisations (Membership) Act

Cap 102 International Monetary Fund (Membership of Seychelles) Act

Cap 103 Interpretation and General Provisions Act

Cap 104 Judiciary Act

Cap 105 Land Acquisition Act

Cap 106 Land Reclamation Act

Cap 107 Land Registration Act (incl. Rules)

Cap 108 Land Settlement (Perpetual Leases of State Land) Act

Cap 109 Land Survey Act

Cap 110 Legal Aid Act

Cap 111 Legal Practitioners Act

Cap 112 Liberation Memorial Fund Decree

Cap 113 Licences Act

Cap 114 Lighting Of Fires (Restriction) Act

Cap 115 Loans Decree

Cap 116 Local Government Act

Cap 117 Local Loans Act

Cap 118 Maintenance Orders (Attachment of Earnings) Act

Cap 119 Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act

Cap 120 Malaria Act

Cap 121 Manufacture and Export of Produce (Regulation) Act

Cap 122 Maritime Zones Act

Cap 123 Marriage of British Subjects (Facilities) Act Order In Council 1916

Cap 124 Matrimonial Causes Act

Cap 125 Medical Appeal Boards Act

Cap 126 Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act

Cap 127 Mental Health Act

Cap 128 Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution) (Seychelles) Order

Cap 129 Minerals Act

Cap 130 Ministerial Emoluments Act

Cap 131 Ministers (Number) Act

Cap 132 Minor Offences (Fixed Penalties) Decree

Cap 133 Misuse of Drugs Act

Cap 134 Mortgage and Registration Act

Cap 135 Motor Vehicles Insurance (Third-Party Risks) Act

Cap 136 National Arts Council of Seychelles Act

Cap 137 National Council For Children Act

Cap 138 National Council for Disabled Persons Act

Cap 139 National Library Trust Fund (Establishment) Act

Cap 140 National Monuments Act

Cap 141 National Parks And Nature Conservancy Act

Cap 142 National Provident Fund Act

Cap 143 National Research and Development Council Act

Cap 144 National Spiritual Assembly Of The Baha’is Of Seychelles (Incorporation) Act

Cap 145 National Sports Council Act

Cap 146 National Symbols Act

Cap 147 Newspaper Act

Cap 148 Non-Resident Bodies (Corporate) (Special Provisions) Decree

Cap 149 Notaries Act

Cap 150 Nurses and Midwives Act

Cap 151 Occupational Safety and Health Decree

Cap 152 Oeuvre de Sainte Elizabeth Incorporation Act

Cap 153 Official Oaths Act

Cap 154 Parastatal Corporations Act

Cap 155 Passport Act

Cap 156 Patents Act

Cap 157 Peace Officers (Inner Islands and Outlying Islands) Act

Cap 158 Penal Code

Cap 159 Pensions Act

Cap 160 Pensions (Increase) Act

Cap 161 Pensions (Special Provisions) Decree

Cap 162 Pensions (Supplementary Provisions) Act

Cap 163 People’s Housing Mortgages Act

Cap 164 Pesticides Control Act

Cap 165 Petroleum Act

Cap 166 Petroleum Mining Act

Cap 167 Petroleum Income Tax Decree

Cap 168 Petroleum Mining (Pollution Control) Act

Cap 169 Pharmacy Act

Cap 170 Pig Production (Control) Act

Cap 171 Plant Protection Act

Cap 172 Police Force Act

Cap 173 Political Parties (Registration and Regulation) Act

2011 Act 010 Political Parties (Registration and Regulation) (Amendment) Act

Cap 174 Postal Sector Act

Cap 175 Preservation of Public Security Act

Cap 176 Presidential Emoluments Act

Cap 177 Presumption of Deaths Act

Cap 178 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act

Cap 179 Prevention of Terrorism Act

Cap 180 Prisons Act

Cap 181 Privileges And Immunities (Diplomatic, Consular and International Organisations) Act

Cap 182 Privilege of Treasury for Costs Act

Cap 183 Probates (Re-Sealing) Act

Cap 184 Probation of Offenders Act

Cap 185 Protected Areas Act

Cap 186 Protection of Aircraft Act 1973 (Overseas Territories) Order 1973

Cap 187 Protection of Local Agricultural Produce Act

Cap 188 Public Finances Act

Cap 189 Public Health Act

Cap 190 Public Holidays Act

Cap 191 Public Offices Act

Cap 192 Public Officers (Protection) Act

Cap 193 Public Officers’ Security Act

Cap 194 Public Order Act

Cap 195 Public Seal Act

Cap 196 Public Utilities Corporation Act

Cap 197 Quarantine Act

Cap 198 Radio Communications (Islands) Decree

Cap 199 Reciprocal Enforcement of British Judgments Act

Cap 200 Red Cross Society of Seychelles Act

Cap 201 Registration of Associations Act

Cap 202 Registration of Business Names Act

Cap 203 Removal of Sand and Gravel Act

Cap 204 Right of Access to Islands Act

Cap 205 Road Act

Cap 206 Road Transport Act

Cap 207 Roman Catholic Church in Seychelles (Incorporation) Act

Cap 208 Securities Act

Cap 209 Security of Movables Act

Cap 210 Seventh-Day Adventist Mission (Incorporation) Act

Cap 211 Seychelles Archives Act

Cap 212 Seychelles Bureau of Standards Act

Cap 213 Seychelles Code of Civil Procedure

Cap 214 Seychelles Fishing Authority (Establishment) Act

Cap 215 Seychelles Housing Corporation Development Act

Cap 216 Seychelles Institute of Management Act

Cap 217 Seychelles Islands Foundation Decree

Cap 218 Seychelles Land Transport Agency Act

Cap 219 Seychelles National Investment Corporation Decree

Cap 220 Seychelles Pension Fund Act

Cap 221 Seychelles Public Transport Corporation Decree

Cap 222 Seychelles Security Guards Service Pension Act

Cap 223 Seychelles Tourism Board Act

Cap 224 Small Holdings Act

Cap 225 Social Security Act

Cap 226 Social Workers’ Council Act

Cap 227 Stamp Duty Act

Cap 228 State Land and River Reserves Act

Cap 229 State Security Act

Cap 230 Status of Married Woman Act

Cap 231 Statute Law Revision Act

Cap 232 Summary Jurisdiction (Wives And Children)

Cap 233 Taxation (Provisional Charging) Act

Cap 234 Termination of Pregnancy Act

Cap 235 Tobacco Control Act

Cap 236 Tourism (Incentives) Act

Cap 237 Town and Country Planning Act

Cap 238 Town of Victoria (Boundaries and Division) Act

Cap 239 Trade Marks Decree

Cap 240 Transfer and Delegation of Statutory Functions Act

Cap 241 Transfer of Prisoners Act

Cap 242 Trustees of the Seychelles Ex-Servicemen Funds Act

Cap 243 Unemployment Relief Scheme Act

Cap 244 Value Added Tax Act

Cap 245 Vice-Presidential Emoluments Act

Cap 246 Weights and Measures Act

Cap 247 Wild Animals and Birds Protection Act

Cap 248 Witnesses Tariff Act

Cap 249 Acquisition of Land in the Public Interest Act

Cap 250 Agriculture and Fisheries (Incentives) Act

Cap 251 Anti-Money Laundering Act

Cap 252 Banking (Special Provisions) Act

Cap 253 Companies (Special Licences) Act

Cap 254 Computer Misuse Act

Cap 255 Condominium Property Act

Cap 256 Constitutional Appointees’ Emoluments Act

2011 Act 008 Constitutional Appointees’ Emoluments (Amendment) Act

Cap 257 Consumer Protection Act

Cap 258 Constitutional Posts (Special Provisions) Act

Cap 259 Credit Union Act

Cap 260 Development Contribution (Specified Islands) Act

Cap 261 District Emblems Act

Cap 262 Elections Act

2011 Act 004 Elections (Amendment) Act

2011 Act 009 Elections (Amendment) Act

Cap 263 Electronic Transactions Act

Cap 264 Excise Tax Act

Cap 265 Export of Fishery Products Act

Cap 266 Fair Competition Act

Cap 267 Fair Trading Commission Act

Cap 268 Family Violence (Protection of Victims) Act

Cap 269 Foreign Exchange Act

Cap 270 Foundations Act

2011 Act 018 Foundations (Amendment) Act 

Cap 271 Goods and Services Tax Act

Cap 272 Health Professionals Act

Cap 273 Income Tax and Non-Monetary Benefits Act

Cap 274 International Business Companies Act

2011 Act 020 International Business Companies (Amendment) Act

Cap 275 International Corporate Service Providers Act

2011 Act 021 International Corporate Service Providers (Amendment) Act

Cap 276 International Trusts Act

2011 Act 019 International Trusts (Amendment) Act 

Cap 277 International Trade Zone Act

Cap 278 Investment Code of Seychelles Act

Cap 279 Investment Promotion Act

Cap 280 Islamic Society of Seychelles (Incorporation) Act

Cap 281 Limited Partnerships Act

2011 Act 017 Limited Partnerships (Amendment) Act 

Cap 282 Merchant Shipping Act

Cap 283 Meteorology Act

Cap 284 Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act

Cap 285 Mutual Fund and Hedge Fund Act

Cap 286 National Assembly Members’ Emoluments Act

Cap 287 National Assembly (Privileges, Immunities and Powers) Act

2011 Act 003 National Assembly (Privileges, Immunities and Powers) Act

Cap 288 National Botanical Gardens Foundation Act

Cap 289 National Bureau of Statistics Act

Cap 290 National Clearance and Settlement Systems Act

Cap 291 National Council for the Elderly Act

Cap 292 National Drugs Enforcement Agenct Act

Cap 293 National Human Resources Development Council Act

Cap 294 National Identity Cards Act

Cap 295 National Information Services Agency Act

Cap 296 National Library Services Act

Cap 297 Privileges and Immunities (Shelter-Afrique) Act

Cap 298 Proceeds of Crime (Civil Confiscation) Act

Cap 299 Property Management Corporation Act

Cap 300 Protected Cell Companies Act

Cap 301 Protection of Human Rights Act

Cap 302 Public Debt Management Act

Cap 303 Public Enterprise (Monitoring) Act

Cap 304 Public Officers’ Ethics Act

Cap 305 Public Procurement Act

Cap 306 Public Sector Special Pension Act

Cap 307 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act

Cap 308 Revenue Administration Act

2011 Act 006 Revenue Administration (Amendment) Act

2011 Act 016 Revenue Administration (Amendment) Act

Cap 309 Seychelles Agricultural Agency Act

Cap 310 Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation Act

2011 Act 002 Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation Act

Cap 311 Seychelles Business Number Act

Cap 312 Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority Act

Cap 313 Seychelles Energy Commission Act

Cap 314 Seychelles Fire and Rescue Services Agency Act

Cap 315 Seychelles Heritage Foundation Act

Cap 316 Seychelles International Business Authority Act

Cap 317 Seychelles Investment Act

Cap 318 Seychelles Media Commission Act

Cap 319 Seychelles National Youth Council Act

Cap 320 Seychelles Petroleum (Taxation) Act

Cap 321 Seychelles Ports Authority Act

Cap 322 Seychelles Revenue Commission Act

2011 Act 015 Seychelles Revenue Commission (Amendment) Act 

Cap 323 Seychelles Qualifications Authority Act

Cap 324 Small Enterprise Promotion Agency Act

Cap 325 Social Welfare Agency Act